whitesspace.com | Experts in Personal & Leadership Mentoring | Winston Salem NC

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At times, certain words beckon my attention.  They seem to have a “magnet” to them, drawing me in their direction. When I myself am practicing the white space principles that we encourage, I sometimes sculpt time in a way that allows for the attention that these words deserve.

Today is one of those days.  Sanctuary is one such word.

Have you ever studied a word deeply?  Paying close attention to what special meaning and significance that one word might have for you?  Like a ring-bearer at a wedding, the word itself is a “gift bearer” just for you?


My husband and I once visited Ketchikan, Alaska where we learned that every September approximately 4,000 eagles gather in that place, a sanctuary to wildlife, especially eagles.  4,000 eagles return every year to that place of refuge and safety. 

That experience returned to my mind this week as the word “sanctuary” beckoned my attention. I have learned over time that words seeking to draw me in as this one is now doing, are important “pings” inviting a response to their call much like our phones do to a text, voice or email message. I wonder to myself, “What is it that is important for me to pay attention to about the word sanctuary at this particular juncture in life and work?”

Reflecting on the word led me to remember more clearly the true purpose behind the establishment of this site, whitesspace. 

Searching the trail of sanctuary with the intensity of Sherlock Holmes as he follows the clues in a mystery, dictionaries help me in my pursuit: a place of refuge or safety, a haven, harbor, oasis, shelter, retreat.

It also references a nature preserve with words like reserve, reservation, home, shelter.

Dictionary.com answers the question “What does my sanctuary mean?” with this answer:  

A place of refuge or rest, a place where you can feel at peace. 

Also, the holiest part of a temple or church. 

It reminds me of the original intention when this site was conceived. The hope behind its formation was to extend a sanctuary to its guests.

A place with room for the mind, body, and spirit to rest, to refresh, to renew, to be at peace. 

Can a website be a quiet and lovely place of rest?

Can it have the same magnetic pull that the word sanctuary itself has for me?

Oprah wrote a book some years ago entitled Things I Know for Sure.

This is one thing I know for sure:  Rest, quiet, peace, and reflection are to the soul what oxygen is to the body.

The gateway to these soulful states is having enough “white space” -- that is, enough margin, balance, and room –to pause, to think, and to breathe. 

When whitesspace was conceived, our hope was that we might host such a place,

one which touched people with this “room” even in virtual space whether we ever had the privilege of working with them in physical time and space.

Perhaps by coincidence and perhaps not, my husband and I bear the name “White.”

Jointly, we seek to be a place of hospitality and refreshment physically and spiritually for all those who find their way to our door. With a name like White, we will always be occupying and hosting “White’s Space.”  May we be true to our name!

An invitation to you

Since not everyone can find their way to us physically, we thought today that we would come to you virtually, extending the invitation to rest a few moments in this video filmed here at our home, a place of peace and shelter which we call simply “Pilgrim’s Rest.”

Click here to link to our Sanctuary Video.

May peace and quiet be yours this day.